Freedom of expression, Human rights and Democracy
Hijri 1397-Present (AH); Common Era 1977-Present (CE)
Nadia al-Sakkaf has been Editor in Chief of the Yemen Times since 2005. Ms. Al-Saakaf has been working in the media since July 2000, when she joined the Yemen Times as a translator and reporter. In September 2000 she became an assistant editor. Her areas of expertise are development issues, gender and media in the Middle East, especially Yemen. In 2003, Mrs. Al-Sakkaf joined Oxfam-GB and worked in the Humanitarian Program as well as for the Poverty Reduction Strategy paper. She was also the media person for the organization in Yemen. She has also worked as a System Analyst at the Arab Experts Center for Consultancy and Systems. Ms. Al-Sakkaf is a member of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate and the International Journalists Syndicate. She was also a student member of Amnesty International while studying in the UK. Because of her work, she has traveled extensively and has contacts with many people around the world. She is active with many organizations defending freedom of expression, human rights and democracy. Ms. Al-Sakkaf was the first recipient of the Gebran Tueni Award in 2006, given by the World Association of Newspapers and An-Nahar Newspaper in Beirut. She has an MSc in Information Systems Management from the UK, and a BE in computer science. She is married and has one daughter.