Battle of Badr

B is for Battle of Badr

Battle of Badr (624 CE) was the first battle that Prophet Muhammad commanded in which the Quraysh were defeated, this event marked the beginning of the six-year war between the Prophet and his Quraysh tribe.

"Battle of Badr (624 CE) was the first battle that Prophet Muhammad commanded in which the Quraysh were defeated, this event marked the beginning of the six-year war between the Prophet and his Quraysh tribe."

B is for Bayah

Bayah is a "Pledge of Allegiance" which was given to the Prophet Muhammad by his followers. Today, students give Bayah to spiritual guides and people give Bayah, an allegiance to their leaders provided they meet the requirements of their subjects,

"Bayah is a “Pledge of Allegiance” which was given to the Prophet Muhammad by his followers. Today, students give Bayah to spiritual guides and people give Bayah, an allegiance to their leaders provided they meet the requirements of their subjects"

B is for Bismillah

In Arabic "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" means "In the name of Allah (God), the most gracious the most merciful." This phrase opens all (114) chapters (Surah) but one (Surah 9) of the Qur'an. It is also used to denote the beginning of something, and Muslims utter it before starting any major activity or task.

"Bismillah: In Arabic “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” means “In the name of Allah (God), the most gracious, the most merciful.” This phrase opens all (114) chapters (Surah) but one (Surah 9) of the Qur'an. It is also used to denote the beginning of something, and Muslims utter it before starting any major activity or task."
Black Stone

B is for Black Stone

The Black stone is venerated by Muslims because it is known to have originated from Heaven. It is the only surviving stone from the original Kaaba structure that was built by Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael and it sits at the cornerstone of the Kaaba.

"Black Stone: is venerated by Muslims because it is known to have originated from Heaven. It is the only surviving stone from the original Kaaba structure that was built by Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael and it sits at the cornerstone of the Kaaba."

B is for Buraq

Buraq is a white winged steed who carried Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and into the heavens back and forth in one night.

"Buraq: Buraq is a white winged steed who carried Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and into the heavens back and forth in one night."

B is for Burqa

A burqa is a loose outer garment, also known as "Chado" in Iran, which covers both face and body and is worn by women in certain Islamic traditions to convey modesty.

"Burqa: A burqa is a loose outer garment, also known as “Chador” in Iran, which covers both face and body and is worn by women in certain Islamic traditions to convey modesty."
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Battle of Badr


Black Stone