Our Impact

The project’s key results included:

  • Producing illustrated booklets on domestic violence awareness: A short booklet written in simple Urdu on domestic violence was developed and 5,000 copies were distributed through two of Bedari’s partners.
  • Educating community members through theatre performances on domestic violence: The project team reported there was a lot of anecdotal evidence that audience members were engaging with the subject matter and learning more about domestic violence.
    • After watching one of the performances, Riaz, a street vendor, was “impressed by the efforts of young women.” He is struggling to provide quality education to his children, two of whom are teenage girls. He said: “I am really ashamed that we men who have power and education are not doing anything for the betterment of the society … I have daughters at home. One is studying in grade 9 and the other in grade 7. One day, they would get married, and if they face violence from their husbands or in-laws, that would be very painful for me.”
  • Mobilizing individuals in the community through three awareness workshops: Three advocacy and awareness sessions on domestic violence were held with community leaders, activists, and law enforcement. These sessions involved expert presenters and groups of 10 or more. Participants received booklets and actively shared the information with their families and neighbors.