Sidra Humayun



Known for

Anti-Sexual Violence, Global Muslim Women's Shura Council

Sidra Humayun


Sidra Humayun has been working at War Against Rape (WAR) Lahore, an organization that works on the issue of sexual violence and provides survivors with moral, social, legal, psychological and medical assistance since 2005. After having personally faced domestic violence, Sidra left her abusive marriage and decided to dedicate her life to working on the issue of violence against women and particularly sexual violence -- one of the most taboo (yet widespread) issues facing women in Pakistan. Sidra’s work to end sexual abuse against women has not only involved counselling and direct support to survivors, but also ensuring that the criminal justice and medical systems in Lahore and the surrounding areas of Punjab province of Pakistan respond effectively to the complex needs of victims. Despite threats against her, she continues to dedicate her time voluntarily to assist vulnerable women and girls and to help them access services that would otherwise be unavailable to them. On a recent visit to Pakistan, we sat down with Sidra to ask her about her work.
