Fatima Sadiqi



Known for

Activist, Author


Hijri 1372-Present (AH); Common Era 1953-Present (CE)

Fatima Sadiqi


Dr. Fatima Sadiqi is president of the Centre for Studies and Research on Women, director of Graduate Studies, and professor of Linguistics and Gender Studies in the Department of English at Fes University. She is also the author of four books: Images of Women in Abdullah Bashrahil's Poetry, Women, Gender and Language in Morocco, Grammaire du Berbère, and Studies in Berber Syntax. Through a Fulbright postdoctoral grant, Dr. Sadiqi has conducted research at Washington University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Lasell College, and Rutgers University in the United States and has also been an affiliate of Harvard University since 2006. An advocate for fighting violence against women, Dr. Sadiqi is the national coordinator of SafetyNET, a global network, which aims to have more women and children live free from abuse. Dr. Sadiqi is well-known for illuminating the powerful connection between language and women’s rights and has organized four international conferences since 1999. Dr. Sadiqi has recently been working on Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Agents of Change as an editor with Dr. Moha Ennaji, which will be released in August 2010.


<a href=http://www.msmagazine.com/summer2007/language.asp>"Ms. Magazine | A Window On Abuse."</a> <a href=http://www.fatimasadiqi.on.ma/>Redirigé Par: Fatima Sadiqi </a>